

trends in supply chain

Blogs, Trends

Emergency response plan

How do people react when acute danger is imminent? And how can organizations prepare for potential calamities? Just a while ago, I experienced a fire drill at a well-known brewery located in a shared office …

trends in supply chain

Blogs, Trends

Safe-space battlefield

Two factors contribute to good performance for learning organizations: making mistakes and having a safe working environment. With these research findings, US Professor Amy Edmondson of Harvard Business School captures the importance of psychological safety …

unintended side effects

Blogs, Trends

Lessons from korfball

My academic life is intertwined with the supply chain profession. I have done research covering the entire field, from strategic supply chain choices to detailed production planning. The world of korfball has largely dominated my …

trends in supply chain

Blogs, Trends

Digital climb

Supply chain directors seem to be struggling to claim their share of available artificial intelligence (AI) budgets. Despite – or perhaps because of – the current struggling economy, executives have freed up budgets for AI, …

trends in supply chain

Blogs, Trends

Robot onboarding

What is holding companies back from deploying more robots in the warehouse? The ongoing labour shortage in the Netherlands and surrounding countries is forcing companies to look at solutions for staffing warehouses and distribution centres. …

trends in supply chain

Blogs, Trends

Winning artificial intelligence

What will be the most successful application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the supply chain? Since IT vendor OpenAI launched ChatGPT in November 2022, there has been a real hype around generative AI. According to …

trends in supply chain

Blogs, Trends

Not predictive

At the beginning of every year, it rains predictions by economists, analysts and consultants. What will inflation do this year? And how will the global economy develop? The experts all like to make predictions to …


Blogs, Trends

The world is an anthill

Since the COVID-19 pandemic and the start of the war in Ukraine, with the ensuing geopolitical tensions, the entire world seems to be balancing on the brink of chaos. Global supply chains are also pretty …


Blogs, Trends

The emergence of meta networks

There are various signs that a new era of collaboration is dawning for companies: not only with partners in their own supply chain, but also with industry outsiders. In a recent conversation, a supply chain …


Blogs, Trends

The labour market is currently in substantial turmoil. On the one hand, there is a persistent shortage of staff, while on the other, companies are having to downsize due to the faltering economy. At the …