Scorecard ‘Is your business ready for S&OP?’

Whitepaper Is your business ready for S&OP?

The benefits of S&OP are vast and transformative. But not every business is ready. S&OP is not something you can implement on a whim. It takes time, effort, and commitment from everyone involved. But make no mistake, the lemon is well worth the squeeze.

How prepared your company is for S&OP will directly impact your success in adopting it. There are some for which it’s too soon. Some don’t have the capability or budget. But if your business is ready to take the leap, S&OP could make a huge difference.

To succeed, you need buy-in from across the business and sufficient resources to enable change. It’s not enough to have buy-in from your Directors or boardroom. You need every single person in the business to be both hungry to engage and aware of the benefits on offer. And that’s not an easy task.

How much support and encouragement you have for S&OP from your Sales, Operations and Finance teams will make or break this process. It’s not enough for them to give it the go-ahead and sit back quietly. You need stakeholders all over the business.

Your S&OP potential will also depend on your starting point. So, what’s the current level of understanding of existing processes? How robust is your master data? Does your team have the time and knowledge required?

Working out your readiness then, can pay dividends in both the short and long term of transforming the success of your company.

To put your business to the test, Slimstock has designed a scorecard to help you assess how ready you are.

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Download: Scorecard Is your business ready for S&OP?