Recording webinar ‘Why are major shippers moving to a multi-tender strategy?’


Ocean tender season is about to start! To keep up in today’s volatile market, industry leaders are adopting a new and powerful procurement strategy: multi-tender procurement.

In this latest webinar, Shipsta was joined by Continental and Claas to discuss how multi-tender events have helped them navigate the uncertain waters of procurement.

Do you want to know how to secure capacity and gain competitive freight rates in this market? Then you can’t miss this webinar. Learn how your corporation can reap the benefits of a multi-tender strategy and set yourself up for a smoother sailing in 2022.


What did we talk about?

• Multi-tender events: Why shortening tender cycles is the secret to a successful strategy (and how to implement it).
• Lane segmentation: Learn how splitting your key lanes will help you deal with disruptions.
• Index-based buying: How you can move from long-term to monthly agreements without incurring any additional work.
• Procurement automation: How smart tools will give you market visibility and turbocharge your procurement performance.

Who were presenting?

Continental – Dierk Carsten Harries, Global Category Manager Ocean Freight FCL

Claas – Sascha Gees, Corporate Purchasing and Head of Logistics

Shipsta – Oliver Ritzmann, Co-founder and CPO of Shipsta

Missed the webinar?

The recorded webinar is available on the YouTube channel of Supply Chain Movement. The slide deck is available for download below.

Download: Slide deck Why are major Shippers moving to a multi-tender strategy