Recording webinar ‘Maximize supply chain visibility’


Supply Chain Media organized together with Tesisquare a webinar about how to maximize supply chain visibility.

It is not an overstatement to say that supply chain complexity can be both a boon and a bane. New market opportunities, multiple channels, multi-tiered suppliers, global logistics network, fluctuating consumer demand, and high-risk scenarios. It is all about balancing out gaps and opportunities.

Given the context and disruptions impacting companies today, visibility can make a difference for organizations to respond to current dynamics that put a strain on the business network, operations and consumers.

Combining internal and external data with digital platforms can help companies achieve a comprehensive view of their supply chain and a high level of transparency in real time for better decisions and performance improvements.

Incorporating supply chain visibility

Learn how Tesisquare can equip you with up-to-date information to ensure real-time data, predict unexpected events, and get valuable insights into a single dashboard. Get answers, not just data.


Gianluca Giaccardi, Chief Product Officer at Tesisquare
Lorenzo Bollani, Head of Product Management at Tesisquare

The recorded webinar is available on the YouTube channel of Supply Chain Movement. The slide deck is available for download below.