International keynote speakers to discuss digitalization at inNOWvate


What is the best approach to innovation in the current era of digitalization? A number of high-profile keynote speakers from across Europe, including Professor Carlos Cordon (pictured) from IMD Business School, will be providing clear and practical answers to this question during the second edition of the inNOWvate Supply Chain Event on 22 May in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. The European Supply Chain Start-up Contest will once again be an innovative feature of this event, which is organized by Supply Chain Media.

“The challenge for companies often lies not in designing their digital strategy, but in executing it,” comments Cordon, Professor of Strategy and Supply Chain Management at IMD Business School in Lausanne. “The execution is far from traditional. It is agile, very fast and involves a lot of learning from mistakes, tolerating failure and being willing to learn from it. A two-week implementation cycle has become the new norm, rather than the standard three to five years.”

Cordon has co-authored the book called Strategy is Digital, How Companies Can Use Big Data in the Value Chain together with a number of Spanish innovation experts. He has studied various companies that have implemented a digital strategy, such as the Dutch healthcare company Mediq and sportswear manufacturer Adidas in Russia. Cordon understands how well-known models such as those by Simon Sinek (‘why’, ‘how’, ‘what’) and Alexander Osterwalder (the Business Model Canvas) can be logically applied in today’s changing competitive landscape.

inNOWvateStep-by-step transformation

Another of the speakers will be Dirk Holbach (pictured) who, as Chief Supply Chain Officer at Henkel Laundry & Home Care, has worldwide responsibility for the company’s digital transformation. In his presentation, he will be advising attendees to maintain a focus on the portfolio of innovation projects. “Start with small pilots and then roll them out or abandon them, depending on their success.”

inNOWvateJanet Godsell (pictured), Professor of Supply Chain at the University of Warwick, will be presenting the latest findings from research into the adoption of digitalization by European manufacturers. Sean Culey, author of the recently published book called Transition Point and an expert on organizational change, will explain the factors driving the current business trends, the implications of the trends and which decisions will be critical.

European Supply Chain Start-up Contest

The five short-listed finalists in the European Supply Chain Start-up Contest will also pitch their digital solutions during the event, and the jury will announce the winner at the end of the day. Aike Festini, founder of the Swiss start-up LuckaBox and winner of last year’s inaugural edition of the award, will provide insight into how the company’s sustainable solution helps existing retailers to offer fast delivery of online orders in cities.