


Blogs, Planning, Software

How to harvest success with S&OP in agribusiness

S&OP is often pictured as a largely standard process; textbook S&OP starts with agreeing an unconstrained demand plan that is handed over to supply planning who need to ensure product availability. In case of important …

cultural intelligence


Choosing the right organizational chart to your Chinese setup

I recently coached a Danish SME on how to design the organizational chart for their Chinese office. The office was not new – it had been there for about fifteen years – but recent changes in the …


Blogs, Visibility

Blockchain for Brexit

29 March 2019 is set to be another D-Day: Brexit. Some people think there might still be a new referendum in the UK which could potentially halt the whole Brexit process, but even if companies …

thinking fast and slow

Blogs, Planning, Software

How thinking fast and slow can help you when choosing S&OP/IBP software

There is much to do about  S&OP/IBP software lately. Last month Involvation had the pleasure of presenting the executive programme on ‘From S&OP to IBP’ at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM). The RSM session …

struggling to innovate

Blogs, Planning, Software

No-touch nonsense

Given the rapid advancement in the capabilities of analytical software, the long-held dream of fully automated supply chain planning seems to be within reach at last. According to several consultants at McKinsey, ‘no-touch planning’ will …

reliable forecasting

Blogs, Planning, Software

Reliable forecasting is a piece of cake

In our attempts to anticipate future changes in demand, we often depend on forecasts. Unfortunately, however, they are rarely reliable in practice – with all the implications that brings. The ‘good news’ is that we …


Blogs, Visibility

Blockchain belief

How relevant is blockchain in a supply-chain context? Based on what I’ve heard this year at various international supply chain congresses, opinions and blockchain belief differ. Alexander Bahr, Director Supply Chain Information & Integration at …

reliable forecasting

Blogs, Planning

Taming the bullwhip effect

The bullwhip effect is not only one of the best-known supply chain phenomena, but also one of the most damaging. By increasing the upstream variation and uncertainty, it pushes chain partners ever-deeper into the so-called …



VR escape room

How can companies find out whether – and how – they can use cool new technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in their supply chains? There are already several practical applications …

cultural intelligence


Successful sourcing in China using the START model

“Catch the goat when it’s passing” is one of my favourite Chinese sayings, and it is particularly apt when you’re looking to source new products or materials in China. Even after conducting thorough desk research …

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