Supply chain start-up in the spotlight: Cesonia


The start-up Cesonia was founded earlier this year by Dr Daniel Kaltenthaler, Dr Johannes Lohrer and Korbinian Sontheim in Munich, Germany. They have launched a smart data network for a data-driven and highly connected business world, specifically targeted at the manufacturing, automotive and aerospace industries.

By integrating and accessing distributed, heterogeneous and decentralized data in real time and without storing it centrally, the founders claim that the Cesonia framework revolutionizes the way of secure and traceable data sharing with business partners in a global supply chain.

Regardless of data format and data source, Cesonia creates a virtual data room, allowing centralized access to distributed data without relocating, migrating or storing it centrally. This reduces redundancy, saves costs and resources, and increases flexibility and agility in an ever-changing environment.

By combining the latest technology, such as data virtualization, artificial intelligence and blockchain, it provides all the necessary functionally to quickly develop individual business solutions and enables a unified data view for all parties, while securing full data sovereignty and control for the data owner.

Connection of different data sources

At the heart of the Cesonia framework is a complex, decentralized infrastructure for distributed systems, which allows the connection of different data sources and the mapping of data. In addition, the Cesonia framework provides global user management combined with a decentralized role and rights management. Together with an audit trail it enables efficient, secure and traceable sharing of data and information.

Cesonia has a key partnership with the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship at the Munich University of Applied Sciences and recently won an Exist Business Start-up Grant awarded as part of a support programme of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) in Germany. Over the next five years, the company aims to become one of the top choices in Europe for the development of individual cross-enterprise data integration and collaboration platforms.