Supply chain software market in 1 minute

IT Subway map

There are a lot of software types available for supply chain: ERP, WMS, TMS, MES, APS, S&OP, GTM, Inventory Management, Demand Planning & Forecasting, Supply Chain Visibility, Shipment & Transport Execution Systems, Supply Chain Network Design, BI & Analytics, E-procurement, Order Management and Supply Chain Risk Management.

That means that there are many supply chain software on the European market. And because of the ongoing mergers & acquisitions the vendor names are changing and well-known applications are disappearing from the market.

Supply Chain Media has developed the SCM IT Subway Map Europe as an overview of the different types of supply chain software and their various European vendors. Each subway line is representing a particular type of supply chain software.

Software vendors with offices in several European countries are positioned on the subway map close to their main competitors they encounter on short-lists during software selections. A vendor has been allocated a subway stations for a specific software type when the number of ‘live’ customers and the revenue percentage exceeds a minimum threshold, determined by the size of the company.

The subway map shows software vendors with a proven track record in Europe for specific supply chain applications. If you want to use this overview in an interactive way, go to