Retail takes proactive approach to Internet of Things
More and more retailers are using new technologies to transform their businesses in order to remain relevant in today’s on-demand economy. The results of Zebra Technologies’ second Intelligent Enterprise Index show that retail organizations are taking a proactive approach to implementing and using solutions based on the Internet of Things (IoT).
According to new data from this annual survey, 42% of retailers currently provide information from their IoT solutions to their employees in real time. Equipping store employees with real-time guidance for both customers and stock gives those employees more freedom to provide faster and more efficient service.
As retailers begin to recognize the value of working in such data-driven environments, investment in IoT solutions will only increase, according to Zebra. 74% of retailers that responded in the survey expect the IoT-related investment within their company to grow over the next one to two years, and 58% expect their organization’s IoT plan to be fully implemented in the coming year.
Improved customer experience driving IoT implementation
The customer experience remains the main reason for the implementation of the Internet of Things in retail, states Casper Zweers, Zebra’s Regional Director for Benelux, with almost three quarters of the respondents indicating that they are using the data from their IoT solutions to improve the customer experience.
For retailers, operating as an ‘intelligent enterprise’ means investing in new technologies, Zebra notes. Companies must also utilize the data that becomes available to them to better serve customers at every stage. Zweers: “By using these criteria, retailers can ultimately develop a stronger foundation that helps them remain relevant in the competitive e-commerce landscape.”