Recording webinar ‘The agile warehouse’


Supply Chain Media and Zetes organized the webinar ‘The agile warehouse – blending technology and labour to optimise your efficiency, accuracy and speed​’.

Consumer and business demands for 24/7 product search and purchase have upended the supply chain across all industries. As a result omnichannel logistics are evolving, volumes are forever increasing, the end consumer is demanding faster and new ways for delivery and warehouses globally are facing a shortage of workers. During this webinar Amir Harel and Paul Lankhout from Zetes, discussed with Martijn Lofvers about how emerging latest generation technologies and automation are providing the perfect blend for warehouse and fulfilment centres looking to improve their worker productivity and competitive advantage.

The speakers:

  • Paul Lankhout – Country Manager Zetes Netherlands – Zetes Netherlands
  • Amir Harel – Warehouse Optimisation Specialist – Zetes

Missed the webinar?

The recorded webinar is available on the YouTube channel of Supply Chain Movement. The slide deck is available for download below.