Partner session Garvis | S&OP Vendor 2021


During S&OP Vendor Day 2021 Piet Buyck, CEO of Garvis, presented the solutions of his company in a break-out session. ”The business case of transparent AI in demand planning: What is the impact of Bionication?”

All enterprises and their customers are interconnected in a fast-changing world. Covid measures and climate change made it clear that local situations can have a direct, global impact on this value chain. Demand planners have the insights and experience to deal with change, but they don’t have the time and are restricted by the limitations of their tools and planning environment. Their systems are unable to use external information and understand the rapid changes. Current statistical methods to predict the future lack data and sophistication.

Transparent AI, where the planner stays in control of both the implementation and the actual AI decision process, can help. But what is the business case? And why is Bionication the answer, to trigger a paradigm shift in how planners and companies manage their inventory?

Missed this session?

The recorded session is available on the YouTube channel of Supply Chain Movement. The slide deck is available for download below.