Mindmap perfect delivery

Visual Mindmap perfect delivery

The process from a customer order to delivery is often far from perfect. With the rapid growth of e-commerce and return and omnichannel deliveries, the complexity in supply chains and the need for better coordination also increases. Software vendor Oracle and Supply Chain Movement have created a mindmap for the perfect consumer delivery, including helpful directions and hazard warning road signs.

The corona pandemic with its many lockdowns has accelerated the growth of e-commerce worldwide, both in business and among consumers. Omnichannel delivery has also developed rapidly with all kinds of new variants, especially click & collect at shops. Contactless payment and other digital solutions have been adopted at lightning speed by companies and their customers. But at the same time, in addition to demand for perfect delivery, the call for sustainability from customers is also increasing.


Companies are increasingly confronted with overstrained customer expectations. But meanwhile, demand is fluctuating more and more. In increasingly complex supply chains, lack of visibility and fragmented fulfilment processes are coming to light. Meanwhile, purchase prices are rising across the board due to more expensive raw materials and components and extreme increases in transport costs, especially by sea. The IT infrastructure in companies is often outdated in the various departments involved, which leads to a lot of manual order processing in an already short-staffed environment.


Supply chains are characterised by extreme volatility, both in demand and supply. Inaccurate forecasting complicates the necessary allocation of stocks at different locations. For the supply of scare goods, companies look for alternative suppliers. More and more stocks of products are in transit to companies or are stuck in the return process of shipments. With the increase in different types of disruptions in chains, companies increasingly need to reroute international shipments at higher costs and longer delivery times.


Companies need to create a unified buying experience by orchestrating customer orders in a tight process with an easy return process. Managing disruptions is only possible through clear communication with all stakeholders in the supply chain. A cloud-based solution ensures that all subsystems can communicate with each other in near real-time. With Global Trade Management, companies can monitor and adjust cross-border transactions.

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