Demand-Driven Supply Chain Management


When a supply chain is fully driven by customer demand, it has reached the most advanced phase of maturity. Simon Eagle’s book called ‘Demand-Driven Supply Chain Management’ does not handle each of the phases leading up to the ultimate attainment of this level, however. Instead, it’s a rather long-winded ode to theory of demand-driven material requirements planning (DDMRP).

Eagle claims that the application of DDMRP has resulted in spectacular supply chain improvements by minimizing variability and enabling variable lead times. Unfortunately, there’s no mention in the book of which companies have actually achieved such results.

In essence, Eagle makes a very valid point: that traditional MRP, with its rigid lead times, has had its day. However, his continuous criticism of existing and extremely costly Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Advanced Planning System (APS) software makes this book heavy going. Nevertheless, Eagle makes some interesting observations about various methods of production management, such as Lean theory and Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints. It’s a shame that this book comes across as trying a little too hard to convince the reader of the value of DDMRP, which in itself is actually an interesting concept.

‘Demand-Driven Supply Chain Management’ (2017), Simon Eagle. Publisher: Kogan Page Ltd., 262 pages., €44.16.
Rating: **