Road Map

Road Map

Visual - Roadmap for a Resilient and Sustainable Supply Chain

Sustainability, Road Map

Roadmap for a resilient and sustainable supply chain

A resilient and sustainable supply chain helps everyone – no matter how their needs and requirements evolve. Suppliers gain operational efficiencies that motivate their own sustainability strategies. Customers align with partners who support their efforts. …

Visual Roadmap for collaboration in transportation management

Road Map, Trends

Roadmap for collaboration in transportation management

When it comes to effective, efficient transportation management, collaboration is key. As transportation networks grow in complexity, so too does the partner network; this increases the risk of leaving some partners disconnected. An ideal transportation …

Visual Roadmap The path to optimal inventory management

Road Map, Trends

Roadmap to optimal inventory management

How can you get your stock levels under control? This roadmap by Supply Chain Media and Slimstock visualizes the obstacles and their solutions on the path to optimal inventory management. The first stop sign on the road …

Visual Roadmap The Path to Integrated Business Planning (IBP)

Planning, Road Map, Trends

Roadmap: The path to Integrated Business Planning (IBP)

Many organizations have a basic S&OP process in place and now want to take the next step to Integrated Business Planning (IBP) in order to maximize the benefits of the process. Supply Chain Media and …